The King of Cakes

This week, we postpone our dumplings series for one more festival-themed episode. Instead, we discuss a cake for all spring holidays in the Christian calendar, how a Christmas-time dessert became an Easter-time dessert, and the significance of Three Kings Day. Finally, we talk about enriched doughs.

Yule Be Home for Christmas

This week, we trace the pagan roots of the Christmas season. We discuss big tree fires, why the bouche de noel (Christmas cake) looks like a log, and how leaders repackaged pre-Christian traditions for a converted populace. Finally, we discuss exactly why yule logs are so difficult for bakers on and off the Great British Bake Off.

Apologies for any weird ending you might hear this week – we had some technical difficulties.

Fiesta de Tamal

It’s our first episode of the decade! In this episode, we discuss the development of food pouches in the western hemisphere, the mythology of Three Kings Day, and how non-Latinx Texas families started hosting tamaladas. Finally, we extoll the virtues of the deliciousness of tamales.

NOTE: In this new year, we’re resolving to release episodes on a more regular schedule by moving our release day to Sundays.