Transformers Take Over Europe: The Chocolate Saga Continues

This week, chocolate does a reverse Columbus by leaving the New World and landing in Europe. From the ships of unbathed merchants to the courts of royalty become the next big thing, and from there, the whirlwind romance between Europe and chocolate began. We discuss how the Industrial Revolution, H.H. Holmes, and condensed milk are all connected through this beloved dessert. Finally, we have an important message for you about democratic responsibility (VOTE)

Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate! AACK!

We’re back in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, but we’re not talking about corn this week. Nope. We’re talking about something even better – cocoa. This week, we discuss one man’s very famous cocoa-on-the-go pot, why Moctezuma drank gallons of chocolate every day, and why cocoa drinks in Mesoamerica were way stronger than any hot cocoa we have today. We also explore the connections between cocoa and religion in Mesoamerica. Finally, we assess our drink-pouring skills (or the lack thereof).